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Areas covered
I am based in Benenden but I am happy to travel to surrounding areas.
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I am based in Benenden but I am happy to travel to surrounding areas.
TOTS classes are designed for nursery & preschools settings.
Classes build on core strength & co-ordination plus gross & fine motor skills fitting in well with the EYFS framework.
Classes incorporate a mixture of songs, dances, stories & fun. Often using the same opening songs that the children learn through repetition, dances helping the children co-ordination and stories sparking their imagination.
Introducing children to meditation, mindfulness & breathing techniques which teach the child how to self-regulate. Providing children early with these skills to start to establish healthy mental health is key.
Yoga not only helps a child develop a healthy body but also links well to their personal, social & emotional development.
KIDS classes designed for Primary schools.
Yoga is a physical activity which helps a child develop balance, co-ordination, agility & flexibility and in KS2 we would start to refine our technique of the poses. Yoga dances form part of the classes too, children learn simply moves & yoga flows to music. All this linking well into the PE Curriculum.
Encouraging good mental health as well, all yoga classes incorporate breathing techniques, mediation and all classes end with relaxation.
Encouraging positive growth mindset. Building a child’s self confidence and self awareness.
Classes can be themed around core values e.g Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude, Respect, Resilience as well as physical themes of balance, strength etc.
TEEN classes designed for Secondary schools.
Teen classes are fully inclusive and accepting. Yoga encourages those less active young people into a healthy physical activity. Lessons help encourage a positive growth mindset and a positive body image.
We go more in depth into the actual yoga postures working on technique and introducing more “adult” poses into the classes.
Examples of typical classes themes strength, balance, resilience, compassion, gratitude.
Though classes are not just physical health but also mental health for example a balance class will not only work on balancing postures like tree pose but will also include bringing balance to the mind, opening up discussions on right & left brains and techniques we can use to level the brain.
Classes will provide the young people with a mindset toolbox then can dip in through their life to help them manage stresses or anxiety which will inevitability arise.